Sure the world wide web is great, but you, you make us salivate... Yes, we love technology, but not as much as you, you see... But we STILL love technology... Always and forever. Our love is like a flock of doves, flying up to heaven above... always and forever, always and forever... Why do you need us? Why do you love us? Always and forever...

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Pensioners are Alright

Not wishing in any way to detract from the sad news below, which I'm sure will soon be liberally annotated with excerpts of big Ronnie's best work courtesy of Joe, I just thought this was worthy of a mention...

Pete Townshend seems to have started a blog.

He seems to be writing some kind of online memoire / autobiographical novel; some interesting stuff about my little part of West London in the most recent entry.

I know I may be in a minority in being a Who fan here, but I think the trend of established rock stars trying to exert more control over their public presence is becoming interesting. Especially since I found out about Townshed's blog through Bob Mould's... I think pressure should be brought to bear on Keith Richards to consider starting something similar - that'd be good readin'.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget the 'Blook', read the comments. All amateur lit-crit, and all terribly fawning as you'd expect - apart from a chap called 'married man' (Jamie?!!) who offers this little nugget:

"Bring the Heat Pete!! Next time I eat a box of twinkies, I'll think about you. Wait, I just ate a box of twinkies. And I don't see any relation to you. What is it about you that makes me wanna get up and dance to WHAM!? "

Get this guy on Newsnight Review NOW!

12:03 PM

Blogger Rob said...

He's only allowed on Newsnight if he goes dressed as he is in his photo!

Just noticed that Mr Townshend shares a favourite book with our Dave - "Goedel Escher Bach". Perhaps together they could figure out a reason why I should give up any more of my life attempting to read past the first two pages (as I have attempted on at least 3 separate occasions) of the introduction. Or just prepare a precis of some kind for me.

3:47 PM

Blogger Keef said...

Taling of not getting past the first few pages has anyone else read anything by Hanef Kureshi (yeah i know i've spelt it wrong)?

Tash and Michael both raved about him but he is propa jank!

5:33 PM


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