Sure the world wide web is great, but you, you make us salivate... Yes, we love technology, but not as much as you, you see... But we STILL love technology... Always and forever. Our love is like a flock of doves, flying up to heaven above... always and forever, always and forever... Why do you need us? Why do you love us? Always and forever...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I'll make you an offer you can't refuse.

In reviewing the Britpop suggestions and then looking at my CD collection I have come to the conclusion that my album collection is crap. Mainly due to the fact that I sold most of it to Keith and Michael but also because Lilly insists on putting her Mariah CD in with my CDs. As such I need to get some burned CDs from you big fellas.
1. Elastica - Elastica
2. Kenickie - At the club
3. Stone Roses - Stone Roses
4. Shed Seven - Greatest Hits
5. Lush - Split
6. The Charlattans - Melting pot
7. Sultans of Ping - Casual Sex in the Ciniplex
8. McAlmont and Butler - Yes. Just the track as it's impossible to locate an MP3 to buy
9. Gene - Whatever album has For the Dead on it
10. Mansun - Attack of the Grey Lantern.
This is all I can think of for the moment but if any of you were kind enough to burn and send me a copy of any of these I can reciprocate with a burn of anything from my collection. The Postal Service - Give Up is probably the best thing I have bought in a while but we have some pretty random stuff Sam Cooke, FNM, the Bee Gees singles... Alternatively we can figure out an Amazon purchase of equal value to the cost of your burn/postage that I will be more than happy to send over, and remember that a nice warm futon at Hotel Osborne awaits the kind soul that can help me relive the mid 90s. Email me at jamie so we can figure it out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have told Jamie many times that the Mariah CD is Angela's and I just haven't had a chance to return it...I swear. Yes it is true that I need a little edumacation on my musical taste but I refuse to take credit for the Mariah...the Queen and multitude of 80s music yes but not Mariah.

12:15 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got a Mariah CD in my collection, no shame in that. Anything she does with rappers = brilliant. Any of her ballads = shit.

Jim I haven't tried burning CDs on the new computer yet, but assuming it works I can do you Shed Seven, the Roses, plus McAlmont and Butler. Plus I just this morning bought Lush and Gene's greatest hits albums, so unless you're desperat to have Split i'll whack those in.

Stu's got Elastica so that's covered, and I'm sure Stu and I can whip up a couple of dope compilations for you too. That's assuming I can drag him away from his non-stop blogging on this site (come on Stu let one of the rest of us get a word in edgeways!)

11:23 AM

Blogger Rob said...

I can do you At The Club and the Mansun. I think Dave has the Charlatans album, too.

12:50 PM

Blogger Keef said...

I guess that just leaves Sultans, which i can get done (seeing as it was once yours). I'll give it to stu at the weekend.

are you sure you don't want any Menswe@r? I can do their ENTIRE back catalogue if you want.

4:13 PM

Blogger Jamie "BP" Osborne said...

Thanks guys. Really appreciate it. There are only so many times I can go to a party a listen to Sir Mix A Lot. I don't need Split as I have it on tape but a CD version of Hypocrite would be appreciated. Keith no thanks on Menswe@r. Although if you still see Ron from the Co-Op the entire back catalogue of Shakey and The Supernaturals would be wicked awesome. My word this will be a cozy futon. Rob not sure if Stu and Joe can accomodate me on the Mansun and Kenickie but if not I would love that as well.

4:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think we've got either, so if Rob can do them that'll be perfect. Everyone bring them Sunday and we'll send them off to Jim in one big package. Then we can all go visit him next Summer!

4:51 PM

Blogger Jamie "BP" Osborne said...

Yeah!!! By then my lime tree will be fully grown and it will be Margaritas and Burritos for everyone.

4:53 PM

Blogger Keef said...

Haven't seen Ron for a while but i can whack a few Supernaturals singles on the end of Sultans.

Is it just the first Kenickie album you're after, or do you want the 2nd one too? Again, another band who's back catalogue i've collected.

9:39 AM

Blogger Jamie "BP" Osborne said...

Just the first album. Not sure how Lilly will like Kenickie but some Supernatural songs will be greatly appreciated. You also have the back catalogue of the Little Angels so I wouldn't boast about it too much.

5:12 PM

Blogger Keef said...

Hey, the little angels were ace. I may have a couple of ropey records in my collection but every LA disc is a classic. When you have a New Wave Of British Heavy
Metal party then you'll come a callin'!

8:44 PM

Blogger Jamie "BP" Osborne said...

Keith - Other than the LA who else was in the New Wave of British Heavy Metal?

9:03 PM

Blogger Rob said...

Erm, Thunder, and, erm...

Not so much a wave, more a slight swell.

8:56 AM

Blogger Keef said...

I can't remember either, after the brilliance of LA, no one else comes close.

11:32 AM

Blogger Rob said...

The Quireboys?!

3:42 PM


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