Sure the world wide web is great, but you, you make us salivate... Yes, we love technology, but not as much as you, you see... But we STILL love technology... Always and forever. Our love is like a flock of doves, flying up to heaven above... always and forever, always and forever... Why do you need us? Why do you love us? Always and forever...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Our survey says

It's looking increasingly likely that I might finally be in a position to buy an iPod, and fill it with all manner of nonsense to keep me sane while I'm in Japan. However, before I get to the real fun part of putting together my own random playlists (e.g. 'The 1993 Festive 50' and 'Top 10 Suede Tunes') there's an important decision to be made - what should I have engraved on the back of it?

My only ideas so far are "I've Got The Music In Me" which, despite (mis)quoting what will surely be one of my most-played, is cheesey beyond all belief. Or "Life Goes Better With A Little Bit Of Razzmatazz" (too Pulp?) or "I've only got a little soul" (another Pulp reference but nice pun).

Anyone got any good suggestions? Keep 'em music based and clean please.


Blogger Rob said...

You're going to Japan? When did you make that decision??

Am incapable of thinking of suitable puns etc right now, but will put my thinking cap on. Perhaps this weekend will provide some suitably quotable vignettes...

3:36 PM

Blogger Rob said...

How many characters are you allowed? I'd go for something like:

"Here I go, off the road, crank the stereo,
I flick a finger to the world below"

4:38 PM

Blogger Jamie "BP" Osborne said...

Joe what about "I'm a lover not a fighter" or "The Drummer from Def Lepard only has one arm"

4:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

All good suggestions, I'm also tempted by 'I'm With Stupid'

5:05 PM

Blogger Rob said...

"My Dad went to the Apple Store and all I got was this lousy iPod"

8:11 PM

Blogger Jamie "BP" Osborne said...

Rob has the best one so far. Or what about "The worm that turned" I know how much of a fan of the two Ronnies you are and seeing as it's an Apple product it just makes sense.

9:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Or can you get pictures done?

4:44 PM

Blogger Keef said...

Not a suggestion for engraving but you should allow us all to select 2-3 no-holds barred tracks for your ipod

11:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll happily add any tracks you guys recommend or can provide, i still listen to the tape keef made me 6 years ago. If anyone can introduce me to a song i love more than Shorley Wall they might get a prize.

Thanks for all the suggestions above but as i couldn't find a slogan i liked that was within the 27 character limit (damn you Morrissey for being so verbose) I'm just going to get a plain one. Will make it a lot easier to sell if i ever want to upgrade and/or develop a crack habit.

2:23 PM

Blogger Keef said...

If you want me to burn the tracks from that tape onto a cd for better uploading to the pod then just mail me what the tracks were.

I'll let you record my speech from the tape separately!

6:29 PM

Blogger Jamie "BP" Osborne said...

Sam Cooke "A change is gonna come" is the best song ever recorded and you can quote me on that. Should be a prerequisite of any music collection. I can burn it but it will be on musicmatch. Let me know I can also send you songs from my vast Husker Du back cataglogue.

7:44 PM


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