Sure the world wide web is great, but you, you make us salivate... Yes, we love technology, but not as much as you, you see... But we STILL love technology... Always and forever. Our love is like a flock of doves, flying up to heaven above... always and forever, always and forever... Why do you need us? Why do you love us? Always and forever...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Having an iPod at work is far too distracting

Two questions along the vague theme of "Weird things that happen two-thirds of the way through 90s classics"...

1. What does Brett say in the rant at the end of 'Stay Together'? I'm getting words but not full sentences, and I can't find a transcipt anywhere online. Has anyone ever sat down and tried to work out what he's saying? (Keef I'm glancing in your direction as I ask this)

2. Why is there a thunderstorm halfway through 'Set You Free' by N-Trance? In fact, after ten years of loving that song I've only just realised that the whole song is 'set' in a rainstorm, even though the lyrics don't mention it. That's kind of bizarre isn't it?

I applied to go to Rave College. I was brilliant in the interview but failed my N-Trance exam.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blimey - no wonder they got Brett to shout it through a megaphone and drenched it in effects.

Respect though to Suede for using the word 'blog' in 1994! And I thought it was only when Neil Codling joined that they became the sound of the future.

5:59 PM

Blogger Jamie "BP" Osborne said...

Anyone clicked on the link above yet?

6:22 PM

Blogger Rob said...

The spirit of Ronnie Barker lives on in that gag.

I seem to remember from "Love & Poison" that Brett pointedly refused to let any of the rest of the band in the studio when he was recording that bit of Stay Together, and he now claims he can't remember what he said but that he suspects it was drivel. I like to think it's a long, drug fuelled rant against Butler and/or Albarn. Either way, the master tape must exist somewhere; surely John Harris or someone can dig it up and transcribe it in the interests of posterity?

I think the only word of it I ever made out was "stars".

8:41 AM

Blogger Keef said...

1. Not a chance in hell of working that out. You can make out the odd word but the vocal track is too quiet compared to the music. Plus they're both synced together, so the only 3 ways would be to 1)find some wicked software that would extract each of the component tracks, 2)find the master tapes (probably in Bernard's mum's loft) or 3)find some hardcore suede site where someones done it already. And i've already looked on most of them!

2. The cover to the N-Trance single is a fork of lightning, so maybe that has somethinf to do with the storm.

3:02 PM

Blogger Keef said...

Talking of Stay Together i was thinking of the top 10 long songs to put on cd for the car. I reckon anything longer than 6 mins counts as most singles are bout 3 mins. I've got these so far;

1. Stay Together
2. Weekender
3. I Am The Ressurection (obvious but ace)
4. Hotel Caliornia

I did contemplate the long version of Bat Out Of Hell but i'm sure there's gottta be 6-7 better long songs you lot know of.

PS. as it's my cd, no reggae or ska

4:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off the top of my head:

"Are you ready for love" (the full length version) - Elton John

"Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft" by the Carpenters - the weirdest pop record ever recorded

I've also got a 7-minute version of "Step In Time" from Mary poppins which sounds completely bizarre without any accompanying visuals.

5:36 PM

Blogger Rob said...

"17 Reasons Why" by My Life Story. It's not as long as some of the others, but is a choon.

"He's Simple, He's Dumb, He's The Pilot" by Grandaddy.

9:45 AM


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