Sure the world wide web is great, but you, you make us salivate... Yes, we love technology, but not as much as you, you see... But we STILL love technology... Always and forever. Our love is like a flock of doves, flying up to heaven above... always and forever, always and forever... Why do you need us? Why do you love us? Always and forever...

Monday, February 20, 2006

'What I did this half-term'

Geneva is a lovely place, great for strolling - very relaxed, full of fresh air, nice people and beautiful views of either the clear blue lake or the mountains or both. Just the right size for a weekend too - you can spend three or four days chilling and still feel like you've seen everything. The clubs charge banker's prices and play a bit too much shit R&B (heard 'Gasolina' three times in one place on Friday) but doesn't everywhere nowadays?

On Friday I took the train to Montreux (an hour further up the lake), which scores highly as a DadRock mecca - not only is there the Freddie statue shown below, but it was also the city where Ian Gillan saw a casino on the lakeside burning down (during a Frank Zappa gig) and was inspired to write 'Smoke On The Water'. AND I visited, wearing a Kinks t-shirt - the blue plaque goes up on Wednesday.

I also went up the smallest mountain in the world, bought 5 litres of beer in one glass (below), ate a 'Bigger Big Mac' (20% bigger than standard Macs), and endured a four hour Easyjet delay on the way home which was nowhere near as fun as the ones they show on TV - not a single angry scouser, furious French woman or camply stoical cabin attendant in sight.

More photos at Flickr for anyone who's interested.


Blogger Rob said...

Those Big Big Macs are great - I had one at Amsterdam airport in January. If you only eat about one McDonald's meal a year, as I do, then it's definitely the way to go to get maximum enjoyment from the experience!

I can't believe you didn't visit Switzerland's greatest asset/downside - Phil Collins.

12:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did keep an eye out for P-Col, but no sign of him. I should have gone on a brighter day and watched out for the sun reflecting off his bald head....

12:44 PM

Blogger Keef said...

Nice photos dude, i'm liking the swans - i guess being swiss means they've avoided any bird flu due to the obscenely clean air and general healthiness there.

10:28 PM


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