Sure the world wide web is great, but you, you make us salivate... Yes, we love technology, but not as much as you, you see... But we STILL love technology... Always and forever. Our love is like a flock of doves, flying up to heaven above... always and forever, always and forever... Why do you need us? Why do you love us? Always and forever...

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Q. How cool is this statue?!

A. So cool that the kids of Montreux haven't even put a traffic cone on his head or a pint glass in his hand.


Blogger Keef said...

To tie in with Joe's comment have you notice how his stare is one of awe crossed with the thought of "how am i gonna get a cone up there?"

4:05 PM

Blogger Lilly Osborne said...

That is a very cool statue indeed.
I must say as a huge Queen fan (which is a rare thing in America unless you're over 50), I am curious what you all think of Queen + Paul Rodgers. They are here on a Wednesday in April and I can't decide if I will be extremely disappointed...

7:25 PM

Blogger Keef said...

I haven't seen the new line-up physically live yet but saw some of their gigs on tv and...

...well, it's just not the same. The dude can sing fine and the tunes are still the same but on stage it's a whole new ball game. IMHO Freddie was probably the greatest frontman ever, he hammed it up and gave the audience something more than just a louder version of some singles (can you hear me Liam Gallgher?). It's not like replacing Deacon, who's only contribution seemed to be playing some bass and having hair like a giant rabbit's tail.

Plus who's gonna play the piano - cos i'll happily bang out Seven Seas Of Rhye for them.

Seeing as The Darkness are sounding more like 70's Queen than Queen did, they should have got Justin in for a couple of shows. But his ego is now the size of Africa so would probably spend the first gig coming in his pants, then the rest of the tour asking the audience "How d'you loikes me band?".

8:22 AM

Blogger Rufous said...

I caught some of one of the gigs on German TV over the new year.

Paul Rodgers is little more than a jumped-up karaoke singer - of the Sammy Hagar/David Coverdale variety - and Roger Taylor looking like your dad and "singing" the ballady ones is cheese personified - only the mouldy cheddar sort, rather than the runny-brie that Mercury provided on tap.

If you like Queen, then I'd seriously steer clear ;)

On the other hand, if the choice is that or The Darkness, then jump at the chance...

11:36 AM


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