Sure the world wide web is great, but you, you make us salivate... Yes, we love technology, but not as much as you, you see... But we STILL love technology... Always and forever. Our love is like a flock of doves, flying up to heaven above... always and forever, always and forever... Why do you need us? Why do you love us? Always and forever...

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The NME Top 100 British Albums

For anyone who can't be bothered buying the paper, the full list is here.

For what it's worth I agree with most of it, and I'm not going to get into the whole debate about Arctic Monkeys being at Number Five, because these things are always subjective and it's best to take them with a pinch of salt. But I will say this - where the fuck is "This Is Hardcore"? "His and Hers" and "Different Class" are both in there, but TIH was the album where they peaked. It was an entire album of pure, refined Pulp, switching effortlessly between spot-on observations of the seedy side of life (the title track and "Help The Aged"), venomous satire ("I'm A Man"), and laments for wasted lives ("Sylvia" and "A Little Soul", the best song they ever wrote IMHO). As John Harris points out in The Last Party, it's one of the few genuinely brilliant albums to come out of Britpop. Whinge over.


Blogger Keef said...

I also agree with Joe that TIH should be in there alongside HnH. For mr HnH edges it mainly because of Lipgloss. I did listen to Different Class the other day and it seems worryingly dated.

As you'd expect my rant will concern Suede. Despite previous disagreements, DMS is a better album than Suede. Yes DMS has a couple of dodgy fillers and Suede is more consistent, but DMS is a complete album, you can't just listen to bits of it or on shuffle as it runs perfectly from beginning to end.

I'm also quite suprised by how low OK Computer and Parachutes are, especially as up until a couple of years ago OK Computer would have benn top 5.

Can i also go on record as saying i've never got the Specials or the Clash, so as influential as they might be, kick 'em off the bloody list!

2:39 PM

Blogger Rob said...

I've not seen the list, so can only comment on the comments...

I totally agree on This Is Hardcore - I think it's better than both HnH and Different Class, and is definitely the most musically adventurous album of their big fame period. Although that's not to put the other two down - I think HnH has stood up better, but Different Class is still definitely a great record.

Keef, you know what's coming. Why did you bring this up again?
Suede is better than DogManStar
Suede is better than DogManStar
Suede is better than DogManStar
I love DogManStar (except for The Power), but it's a ridiculous record. From that trippy opening to the dumb-striking appropriation of Ravel's Bolero, it is a mental case of an album. I love bits of it more than any individual song on Suede (Black or Blue, Asphalt World), but it's badly produced (are you listening Butler) and sprawling. Any other bands best album, but not suede's.

12:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I prefer DMS to Suede too, in fact I probably prefer Coming Up to the first album too. I always skip "We Are The Pigs" but I love the rest of the album - the final 4 tracks are four of the best songs they ever recorded. I love the fact it's so overblown - that's what Suede were all about as far as I'm confirmed.

1:37 PM

Blogger Jamie "BP" Osborne said...

The Wild Ones is still my fav Suede song and as such makes DMS star better than Suede. Although Suede is still really fucking good. But they are both good albums. So stop this white on white violence guys.

4:36 PM

Blogger Rob said...


I like Mogwai - what would i know??

5:12 PM


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