Sure the world wide web is great, but you, you make us salivate... Yes, we love technology, but not as much as you, you see... But we STILL love technology... Always and forever. Our love is like a flock of doves, flying up to heaven above... always and forever, always and forever... Why do you need us? Why do you love us? Always and forever...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Help Ma Boab!

Bob's solo gig at the Bush Hall on Monday night just pipped the full-band gig of a few months back, for my money. There was less Sugar material, more of the earlier solo stuff and quite a bit of Hüsker Dü, but it was less physically pummeling and a more laid back affair. Highlights for me were Your Favorite Thing (not previously on my list of best Sugar songs), a sodding amazing version of Egoveride (didn't think that would work without drums. I was very wrong) and the four bars of Foo Fighters' Learn To Fly played archly between a couple of songs that may well have influenced it. Oh, and the between-song anti-Babyshambles banter was fun too!

No more Bob posting for a long while now, I promise. For those bored by the above post, here is an entertaining photo...


Blogger Rufous said...

Isn't the Boab one of those really really old trees in Africa that date back to prehistoric times and can live for a thousand years? :|

11:26 AM

Blogger Rufous said...

No-one expects the Medway Inquisition...

12:01 PM

Blogger Rob said...

I think that's baobab, but close...

12:28 PM

Blogger Rufous said...

I'll tell the folks to ask Oxford for the money back then shall I?


2:30 PM

Blogger Rob said...

I think you'll find that that article confirms both suggestions. Believe it or not, I didn't have much exposure to Australian fauna during my French Literature studies. Indeed, my knowledge of said tree as the "baobab" is due to my close reading of Michel Tournier's magic-realist rewriting of the nativity entitled "Gaspard, Balthazar et Melchior", a section of which revolves around the role of the baobab in north African culture, t'ain't no word of a lie.
*clicky-finger-neck-pop-Ricki-Lake-show type thing*

5:23 PM

Blogger Rob said...

Oh, and their appearance in Le Petit Prince , obviously...

5:34 PM

Blogger Rob said...

and yes, I know the difference between flora and fauna, but can't edit my own posts (they didn't teach me that kind of thing either)

5:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet the interval at the Bob Mould gig just flew by with this kind of chat going on.

Only kidding, I love you guys. But not as much as I love dave's wonkey (its a cross between a wig and a monkey, bred for its skills in magic).

5:50 PM

Blogger Jamie "BP" Osborne said...

As far as I go you can talk about Bob until the cows come home. He is playing SF with Curt Kirkwood of the Meat Puppets in support. Lilly has offered to go with me but I know she would be bored shitless so I won't drag her along. So sad. Anybody fancy a weekend trip to SF?

6:23 PM

Blogger Keef said...

If you can get them to postpone it till xmas time, me & tash can make it

5:51 PM


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