The weekend (slight return)
Guilty Pleasures was excellent again - I only saw a little bit of Jarvis DJing as he was in one of the smaller rooms and the best music was out on the main dancefloor, but he did wander past me later in the evening. I toyed with the idea of grabbing him and telling him how much I loved Pulp, that they were the biggest factor in me choosing to go to Sheffield and how one of my most treasured posessions is a square cut from his suit, but decided that all the beer/JD pumping round my system meant I was in no fit state to meet one of my heroes. The club itself was a blast, the usual great music and the new venue is huuuuuuge. You can go about 5 storeys up and still see down to the dancefloor. Somehow, it even made the front page of the Guardian today.
Most exciting thing to report from the weekend though is I've finally been to a proper Japanese-style karaoke venue in London. Lucky Voice has boothes, where you can holler and shout to your heart's content with no audience other than a few carefully chosen friends. It's quite expensive (about £10 per hour each) but well worth it. I spent Friday night blasting out some Artics, some Meat Loaf, a bit of Morrissey and the theme from Baywatch. We have to all go along sometime soon.....
Sounds good mon ami, but i'm afriad i will be mostly packing, decorating and moving this weekend - but someone please go to stop Joe from getting all giddy around Jarvis. If it's good then we should go for someone's bday - who's is next?
I had a look at the cds on the GP music pages and i have put at least half of Vol. 2 onto Tasha's Zen!
1:22 PM
It's sold out now - just check on the website. Doh! Have a good time though!
11:18 PM
Can I recommend the Phunky Fish in Brighton on a Saturday night if you're ever in the vicinity? Similar atmosphere (the bar-staff SMILE at you! Everyone's happy and dancing!!) only with late 60's early 70s R&B - some of the obvious stuff like Aretha and Stevie Wonder, and a lot of less obvious stuff like the BreakFreeze Beats comp - all mixed together by some geezer who just loves what he's doing :D
12:53 PM
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