Sure the world wide web is great, but you, you make us salivate... Yes, we love technology, but not as much as you, you see... But we STILL love technology... Always and forever. Our love is like a flock of doves, flying up to heaven above... always and forever, always and forever... Why do you need us? Why do you love us? Always and forever...

Friday, October 28, 2005

Today's hair news bulletin

"And the award for maddest style worn by a slightly mental producer goes to..."

Wall Of Hair

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Bluebird Bitch

Not wishing to switch the focus of this site away from all things Med, but equally not wishing to pay a tenner to subscribe to Popbitch and post this dull information:

Spotted! Tonight! 7pm! On a Piccadilly Line train! At Holborn station! Heading west!!

The woman who played Lynda (was that her name? The chair-woman of the club) on Dream Team. I believe she is back this series. Anyway, she was wearing a stylishly garish chunky-knit poncho and was with a bloke. As she left the train at Piccadilly Circus, she smacked into an innocent bystander, knocking his bag flying and requiring her to break her "I'm walking very fast so no-one is tempted to stop me for an autograph" stride and apologise profusely. She is either quite posh, or very affected. The former, I like to think.

She looked flushed facially throughout this episode.

I realise this is dull, but it was highly effective in distracting me from the massively stressful job interview I had just left, so I would like to thank her for providing such invaluable entertainment.

*braces self for Popbitch-style lacerating comebacks*

P.S. The Len Price 3 are playing the Dirty Water Club, Tufnell Park, Friday 28th October, with the Dirty Backbeats. It'll be Medway garagetastic, so pay yer dues to tha kings of da Kinks riff. On stage 9.30ish...

Friday, October 21, 2005

Only took me six days to post them but... is a nice pic of Gillingham Park looking uncommonly picturesque (I photo-shopped out all the dog-shit) .

Plus here's a pic of Remie looking extremely smiley. And wouldn't you look happy if you were sat on Enrique Iglesias's shoulders?!!

[insert Rob gag here]

['insert 'Rob inserting' gag here]

See you all next week - I'm off to Athens for four days. It's a hard life.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Return of the Creepily Still Boy


Neil Codling is on Pearl Lowe's "solo" "album"!

Although I'm unlikely ever to hear this record, it's nice to know the little elfin scamp is keeping his hand in.

According to Yahoo!, Pearl has "had a hugely successful career designing and producing artful window hangings for the stars".

Friday, October 14, 2005

The best haircut in the world.


Thursday, October 06, 2005

Having an iPod at work is far too distracting

Two questions along the vague theme of "Weird things that happen two-thirds of the way through 90s classics"...

1. What does Brett say in the rant at the end of 'Stay Together'? I'm getting words but not full sentences, and I can't find a transcipt anywhere online. Has anyone ever sat down and tried to work out what he's saying? (Keef I'm glancing in your direction as I ask this)

2. Why is there a thunderstorm halfway through 'Set You Free' by N-Trance? In fact, after ten years of loving that song I've only just realised that the whole song is 'set' in a rainstorm, even though the lyrics don't mention it. That's kind of bizarre isn't it?

I applied to go to Rave College. I was brilliant in the interview but failed my N-Trance exam.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Lanterns. Temples. Crazy Fashions.

These, and other assorted Japanese clichés, are now available in photogenic form - the best of the Japan 2005 holiday snaps are online:

Oh, Herro Hans Pics!!

More pics will be added in due course, but you might all be bored rigid of the J-word by then.

The photographer will also be available to field questions at the following times/places:
Kings Cross Water Rats, 7-11pm, Saturday 8th October
The Cricketers Gallery, Gillingham, 6-11, Saturday 15th October

Enquiries to the usual address etc

The Pensioners are Alright

Not wishing in any way to detract from the sad news below, which I'm sure will soon be liberally annotated with excerpts of big Ronnie's best work courtesy of Joe, I just thought this was worthy of a mention...

Pete Townshend seems to have started a blog.

He seems to be writing some kind of online memoire / autobiographical novel; some interesting stuff about my little part of West London in the most recent entry.

I know I may be in a minority in being a Who fan here, but I think the trend of established rock stars trying to exert more control over their public presence is becoming interesting. Especially since I found out about Townshed's blog through Bob Mould's... I think pressure should be brought to bear on Keith Richards to consider starting something similar - that'd be good readin'.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

So it's good night from me...

In honour of Mr Ronnie Barker I give you this:

"The toilets at a local police station have been stolen. Police say they have nothing to go on."

Post some quotes/jokes.
(This has the potential to keep Joe preoccupied for a while and Stu may even post something)

Monday, October 03, 2005

The Wisteria Lane Book Club UK

As we're all unlikely to trawl back through previous posts and responses to find the book chat i shall resume from here. Took a few books on hols, some of which we've spoken about. All 3 were all presents, so thanks to Tash, Rob & Michael.

Da Vinci Code - I can already here you all tutting but this is fantastic. No band-waggon jumping (it's been on the shelf over a year) and i did it properly by reading Angels & Demons first. This really was great and Dan Brown writes chapters of about 2-6 pages long so it's easy to read little chunks. His books are like Harry Potter - you want to hate them cos it seems like everyone is reading them, but they're good. Simple as.

Choke - Not the most pool friendly read and my odd gasp was usually greeted by Tash asking what happened and me relating in hushed tones so as not to make people think i get off on reading about sexual deviants. Was a bit concerned about how the main character's mother's medical condition was gonna be dealt with but i like the way Palahniuk writes, how the speech is written broken with what his thoughts are. Chuck does have a slightly annoying way of using the phrase "for sure" instead of really, but that could be my british snobiness coming through. I've never read fight club but i worked out the twist in the film at the beginning of the scene in which you find out (like, 2 mins before you're told). But in Choke i didn't see it coming and actually exclaimed a religious expletive when it happened - cue dirty looks from people sunbathing.

Yes Man - I'm still in the middle of this one, but it's had a weird effect on me. For some strange reason i really like Wallace and this book is like reading a phone conversation. Probably helps from having watched HTSYOC. Don't think i'm gonna start saying yes to everything, but the whole idea of the book is genius. Will let you know more when i've finished it.

Another good book is Sin City , especially if you like violent comics. If you've seen the film then definitely read the graphic novel, it makes you appreciate what a genius Robert Rodriguez is.

PS. Watch Desperate Housewives, it's ace