Sure the world wide web is great, but you, you make us salivate... Yes, we love technology, but not as much as you, you see... But we STILL love technology... Always and forever. Our love is like a flock of doves, flying up to heaven above... always and forever, always and forever... Why do you need us? Why do you love us? Always and forever...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Apology, miserable indie and the record buying public

Firstly, may i apologise for every time i've ever ranted about the foundations of music (although the BBC deserve beint ranted at for only spending 3 minutes of a 7 hour series talking about Led Zeppelin). Particularly those rants than seem to make perfect sense in my head but actually have no basis in fact or reason. My impetus for this apology you ask, well, it all started on a boring Monday in HMV...

...In a vain attempt to find some interesting 7 inches (stop sniggering Joe) I overheard a particularly shabby couple having a chat. The chap involved was your typical looking 90's metaller - lots of faded black but without any Goth flair - and the lady was just average beyond belief. Queue the amazingly mental following quote;

" come there's never any Smiths records around anymore? The problem with the kids today is they have no idea who Morrisey is. And that fucking offends me. What they don't realise is that everything around is down to him. He owns them. He owns them all! And the kids fucking owe him! For all of it, every thing is him..."

And then it all tailed off, mainly due to HMV turning up whatever crap they were listening to.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you point is what exactly ?

1:48 PM

Blogger Keef said...

Either this is a very disgruntled Stu under a krazee moniker or just some random oik.

Either way, my point is that this person is a prat. Not for liking the Smiths (although some may question this), but for their ridiculous claim that Morrisey is the major influence of every band today that "the kids" like.

AND that they are offended by kids not knowing who he is. Why the fuck should the kids know who Morrisey is, anyway! They're enjoying the music they here that's being produced today, in the same way that every generation has done previously, and will do in the future. If they are into a band that cites Morrisey/The Smiths as an influence then said kids may investigate further. But to say they owe him is ridiculous.

Which backs up my apology that if i have ever come out with a similarly stupid statement, then please forgive me.

8:24 PM

Blogger Rob said...

There are 2 "s"s in Morrissey, you know...

10:35 PM

Blogger Rob said...

Maybe the point is that Morrissey is the touchstone for what makes Britich "indie"... "indie", post-Smiths. Having seen Marr with Modest Mouse, I have to say, they're a better band now than the Smiths ever were. And I love the Smiths.

Morrissey allows insecure British men to feel they're not alone, much like Alan Bennett. Bennett's better, but his singing voice lets him down. Hence his reliance on the late Thora hird.

10:38 PM

Blogger Keef said...

The point is that this woman sounded like a total twat. I do like the Smiths, evn if i'm 20 years too late, but MorriSSey is also a total twat. And Marr is not.

We don't need Morrissey to help us feel normal in our insecurities - we now have Ziggy off of Big Brother for that. He's insecure about being too old for Chanelle AND paranoid Billi will steal her from him.

2:01 PM


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