Sure the world wide web is great, but you, you make us salivate... Yes, we love technology, but not as much as you, you see... But we STILL love technology... Always and forever. Our love is like a flock of doves, flying up to heaven above... always and forever, always and forever... Why do you need us? Why do you love us? Always and forever...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Bored, bored, bored

Now I’ve had a chance to do some of the things I missed whilst I was away, such as watch tele, listen to the radio, surf t’internet a bit, I feel like having a rant. So as we all need to meet up soon I shall use the blog to vent.

Firstly, we should all remember John Inman. I know he did a bit of stage work (outside of the usual Xmas pantos) but I can’t think of someone, who despite their career being based on one character, was so loved by the public. A trip to the Costa Plonka would be a fitting tribute.

I go through phases with Radio 1 – all the presenters grate on me and cheer me up in equal measures and whilst I get fed up of them clinging to certain songs and playing them on EVERY show, I still can’t resist, and seeing as reception here is pants it’s better than Invicta or KMFM.

The new Avril song, Girlfriend, is ace, it’s a proper shouty pop song. I really didn’t think it was her mainly cos I didn’t recognise her new blondness. It’s got a similar sentiment to Don’t Cha, only for the SK8 kids. It reminds me of The Faders.

The Twang – are they good or not? I can’t decide and this new song of theirs sounds so 15 years ago, it’s like shoegazing is back again. On that note everyone should go listen to Going Blank Again and remember what a fucking tune Leave Them All Behind is. And so is Lazarus – does anyone have the long version on cd?

Where does everyone stand on the whole Maximo Park sound? Love the new one and I really liked Going Missing and Graffiti, in fact most of the first album – just couldn’t listen to it all at once, too much Geordie/Mackem-ness in one go. I have now clearly offended half of our north-east readers by cocking up with the whole Newcastle/Sunderland thing.

The song I am pissed off at Radio 1 for is Standing In The Way Of Control. I heard it in Sydney and bloody love this record and now it’s all over the shop. I’ve suddenly got all protective of it too and don’t want the grotty chavs listening to it over a year too late. Oh, how childish of me.

I’m sure I’ve seen a DJ Format cd in one of yours’ record collection (possibly Stu) but listen to the remixes he’s done of Caffeine and Happy Soul on his myspace page and spot the Dave Cortez influence on Christina.

Lastly, “Yeah Yeah” by Bodyrox feat. Luciana is a total CHOON.

Now on to the tele and apart from the usual blah that everyone watches I hope you have all been watching Heroes on the Sci-Fi channel. This just proves that Americans clearly have much better dramas than us (apart from Life On Mars) whilst we have better comedy shows (although I’m missing Bobby Lee – all we get is the weird, double-barrel named guy with the hook nose presenting America’s Funniest Animals). If you haven't seen it then make sure you do when BBC2 show it later this year

I did see a good pilot on BBC3 called Moonmonkeys with the beardy guy from that terrible Nick Frost space-com and Martin from the Green Wing.

Does anyone else watch Never Mind The Full Stops? I do like this programme (mainly cos when I apply myself my spelling & punctuation really aren’t that bad, despite my efforts to the contrary in this blog) but Julian Fellowes frustrates the hell out of me. I have a strange warming to the gent but he can be rather bossy and overbearing, yet he reminds me of some posh relative of Greg Dykes. Maybe I’ve been watching too much tv.

Since I’ve been job hunting I have also created a monstrous Master League team on PES6 who will be unbeatable in a couple of seasons. And the news of an 80s Hair Metal version of Guitar Hero is too good to bear. Bring on the Eruption!

And a quick quiz question for you all, what is the link from my rant about to a Miss Mary Elizabeth Jennifer Rachel Abergavenny Yiddell?


Blogger Keef said...

Sorry this blog is so long. At least it's in digestible blurbs.

6:19 PM

Blogger Rob said...

Now THAT's blogging! No time to respond fully right now, but a few small points:

I've never stopped listening to Going Blank Again

I've never seen Heroes OR Life on Mars

Never Mind the Full Stops is like all those 6.30pm shows on Radio 4, but on the TV so uglier.

I haven't listened to pre-8pm Radio 1 for about 5 years. Ihaven't listened to post-8pm Radio 1 for about 18 months.

I like Maximo Park, despite myself.

6:57 PM

Blogger Jamie "BP" Osborne said...

Rob - You need Tivo. Heroes is like someone has written an original show about the origins of the Xmen and developed totally new superheros. It is proper bo. Life on Mars is genius. As for any kind of new music I am so lost I don't know where to start. Oh yeah and speaking of new digs Lilly and I will most likely be getting a new house soon seeing as ours got broken into last week. Many things taken. Not sure how much of which the insurance will cover. No Ipod, no laptop, no PS2, no PSP, I'm not sure what to do with my free time.

7:20 PM

Blogger Keef said...

Did they take your plasma? Or the old tv that the cats sleep on?

10:28 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jamie, that's really shit. How come it's worth moving though, has it made you decide you need to go to another area?

Keef - where to start! John Inman dieing was a real shame. i had the day off work so i saw all the clips they played throughout the various new bulletins, and i think i laughe at every single one. There was a great clip of him being chatted up in Grace Bros by Gordon kaye. Speaking of whom, 'Allo 'Allo reunion this spring!

Radio1 is still the only radio station i know i can turn on any random time of day/night and will probably like what they're playing, and with xfm and 6music it's the only station i'll listen to regularaly enough to know what shows are on at any given time. I can't stand the idea of the Twang but i've started to really like that song. I looked it up on the airplay charts today and it's only 38, which seems strange as i feel like i hear it once an hour all day every day.

That maximo park tune is my favourite song of the year so far, well either that or Brianstorm. I can't decide which is my current fav moment in music, either:

A) the bit in "our velocity" where the chorus finishes, then a keyboard comes in and the chorus starts again.
B) The bit in Brianstorm where he goes "becaue you've stolen their.................thuuunder!"

Yeah Yeah is wicked tune! Really like the Princess Superstar track that sounds like it too.

I haven't watched tv properly for two months due to the hassle of moving, but did see the OneLife on tuesday about Mel and Alex fighting out the UK's first ever canine custody battle. Alex Sibley seems to be metamorphosising into Keef, he kept doing the same facial expressions and has even had his hair cut a bit like yours!

I watch "...Full Stops " occassionally but it's just too annoying for me. That first round is the worst, where they have to re-punctuate the paragraph but there's no right or wrong answer. A quiz show about language and grammar could be so so so much better. And Julian Fellowes is a bit too much , althogh kudos to him for writing Gosford Park which i finally saw a few weeks ago and loved. Much more fun than i had ever expected of it.

Build a team of godzillas if you want, I'll still kick your as at PES!

I know the answer to your name quiz and I am unanimous in that.....

You mentioning Greg Dyke has just reminded me of Simon Pegg playing him in Big Train. "Ladies, leave us...."

12:54 PM

Blogger Rob said...

I LOVE that bit in Bianstorm.

2:38 PM

Blogger Jamie "BP" Osborne said...

The plasma was disconnected and half way out of the door. I guess they could only take so much. Hayward is nice in parts it's just the not so nice parts are a bit too close. Ideally moving to the peninsula, South San Francisco, San Mateo, who knows maybe even SF.

4:41 PM

Blogger Dave said...

I love Are You Being Served? for it's shamelessness in innuendo, much the same way (I suspect) that Keef is obsessed with Carry On, and John Inman was clearly the linchpin.

The only time I ever listen to the "radio" is when Rob forces me to listen to Kermode's podcasts. I am losing touch people.

However, I have been finding new stuff via - does anyone else use it? Another social-web2.0 thingy that is actually quite cool.

My new favourite band is White Rose Movement. Awesome 80s flava thrashy excellence imho.

Maximo Park are disappointing for me - loved Going Missing but no where near as impressed with the rest of it. Shame.

I too saw the Alex dog-custody thing - how the mighty fallen. Also, I'm sure he used to amazingly sexy whereas now he's just nerdy and weird. :-(

Oh and Keef - many Congrats!!!

5:25 PM

Blogger Keef said...

So does that mean that i look nerdy & weird?

Cheers for the comgrats DJ, i thought it might be for the quality of my blog, but i guess that Rob told you bought my new job. I shall bore you all with details when we next hook up. How's your's? (that last comment also satisfies my love of innuendo!)

J&L - we are all totally gutted for you both, it must be so horrid in the house now. If there is anything we can do from this far away then just shout. Maybe holler quite loudly.

Can't get into Brianstorm, but i do like the ...Monkeys new logo.

For anyone who's read Maribou Stork Nightmares then i think the script writers of Life On Mars are heavily relying on Irvine Welsh's book.

Joe - I am the PES King Ding, you are the frog prince.

8:34 PM

Blogger Lilly Osborne said...

Keith, Heroes is SO good right now..wait until you get where we are! If you miss Bobby Lee and you like Heroes, check this out. (I wasn't able to listen to it since we don't have speakers on our old-ass PC so hopefully sound is okay)

1:08 AM

Blogger Rob said...

Jamie & Lilly, that sucks. I'd be mad.

Looks like I'll be out in Mountain View at the start of May - the date's changed about 15 times. Once it's all confirmed I'll let you know and we should definitely hook up.

7:54 PM


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