Sure the world wide web is great, but you, you make us salivate... Yes, we love technology, but not as much as you, you see... But we STILL love technology... Always and forever. Our love is like a flock of doves, flying up to heaven above... always and forever, always and forever... Why do you need us? Why do you love us? Always and forever...

Monday, December 05, 2005


Blimey, Joe & Rob have been busy blogging. I can't believe i missed the Darkness competition (I did honestly guess it after the first lyric).

Rob - the Darkness are ace, even you must love their novelty geetar solos.

Rob & Dave - Congrats dudes on your 10th anniversary, you guys are ace. Is it really 10 years since i had to gauge the price of those Garbage records?

Well, you all know various snippets of what i've been up to, but as i've been a bit lax on the blogging front, here goes.

Job situation is still looking ropey. Can't do much until the internal vacancies have been confirmed. I've applied for 7, had 6 interviews so far, and been declined for 1 already. The 2 i would prefer are Manchester based so if i get one and a substantial pay rise me & tash will have to move up north. The deadline for appointments is this fri 9th so by mon 12th i will know if i'm still with the co-op.

Depending on how it all goes and how much we spend of whatever pitiful redundancy payput i may recieve, we still hope to do our own Medway Lampoons US Vacation next year. Jim, Lil & cats here we come.

Franz Ferdinand were really good on thurs. Defo one of my favourite live bands.

Tash is still feeling bit ropey after her operation (she's obviously not going amazingly public with it but i'm sure all of you know). Plus she's doing exams at the mo, so is a bit stressed.

Finally, the title of the blog. Tash is really up for the idea of us having a new years eve party. I still think the house is too small - but i am looking into patio heating (God, how suburban & middle aged does that sound?). You are all invited, and encouraged to bring wives, boyfriends & laydee friends (you may have to find some first). Also start thinking of party music you might wanna bring, I can plug ipods & mp3 players into the stereo but cds are SO much easier. However if any of you have the smart-arse idea of bringing a copy of the cd linked below, i will perform an end of year sacrificial ritual upon you and then use your still twitching corpse as fuel for my patio heating device.

Never funny in the first place


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those poofs are the least funny thing on TV. Bar nothing.

Count me in for the party. I'll try not to eat too much over Christmas so I don't take up too much space in the house.

1:54 PM

Blogger Keef said...

JOB UPDATE - The co-op are shit! (Like you didn't know that already.) My boss is a lying C*NT. As you can guess i didn't get my preferred role, mainly due to my current boss (who would also have been my new boss) handpicking who he wanted first. This goes against the co-op way of conducting fair interviews based upon certain behaviours, as opposed to manipulating the processes to hold jobs back.

Anyone know if Carwyn has still got his McDonalds uniform?

5:43 PM

Blogger Jamie "BP" Osborne said...

Sorry to hear that big fella. Looking forward to your visit and as you may have guessed I won't be attending your New Years shindig. Joe - Please add to the links.
Keef - If you did move to Manchester would you move to Moss Side? Bag of shite.

6:11 PM

Blogger Keef said...

Owing to tasha's love of Paddy McGuiness we would no doubt have ended up in Bolton. Despite Steve saying it is also a bag o' shite.

Jim - what does BP stand for? I thought your middle name is peter. Let me guess - is it Big Pete?

2:51 PM

Blogger Jamie "BP" Osborne said...

Ball pinching. I thought that would have been obvious. Maybe I need to come back and show you why.

4:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keef, if you ever need proof of Jamie's BP tendencies ask my brother about the state of his balls after Jamie's last night down the tap. They were more black and blue than the time he painted them for the play-off final.

10:21 AM

Blogger Jamie "BP" Osborne said...

Ah yes. Great days, such fond memories. Where is your boy J?

4:31 PM

Blogger Keef said...

Jim generally left my balls alone, it was usually my nipples that got tweaked through more than 360 degrees!

8:58 PM


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