Sure the world wide web is great, but you, you make us salivate... Yes, we love technology, but not as much as you, you see... But we STILL love technology... Always and forever. Our love is like a flock of doves, flying up to heaven above... always and forever, always and forever... Why do you need us? Why do you love us? Always and forever...

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Competition time

Silver catsuit* to the first person who can spot the link between the following ridiculous phrases:

"You're up at John O'Groats, I'm down at Lands End"

"It would appear that male pattern baldness has set in at an alarming pace"

"She said have you got a match, I said yes - my cock and farmer giles' prizewinning marrow"

"I've never seen a bale of hay move so fast, she was a bona fide forking genius"

"Hoots, I cannae get back tae me hoos in bonny Scotland"

* while stocks last.


Inspired by Rob's proper blogging, can I also add that I spent last weekend in Paris where it snowed and snowed and snowed and snowed and everything looked beautiful. We saw several museums, ate some fine food and spent hours chatting to some cool French indie boys in a bar in Pigalle. In the office, two of the three people whose jobs I've been covering over the past few weeks are now back, so I'm no longer as rushed off my feet and can join Rob in a two-man mission to keep the blog alive!

Oh and to whom it may concern, I'll be back in Medway on the 10th (and possibly the 9th) so if you're around let me know. After hearing all about the joyful time Stu had in Colchester (which I'm sure he'll go into at great depth on the blog soon), I can't wait to see the Gills in action again.........


Blogger Jamie "BP" Osborne said...

Acts that have performed at Butlins. The Krankies, The Grumbleweeds, Tom O'Connor, Ted Dibiase, and Colonel Sanders before he went tits up. Close?

6:36 PM

Blogger Rufous said...

One of you might wanna blog this: Click meh

Check the seller questions at the bottom.

9:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


You're close with the Grumbleweeds as the link is a group of old men with rural accents playing music. Think more recent.....

And if you win then the new first prize is a visit from me, I definitely fancy some time in SF sometime next year.


5:06 PM

Blogger Jamie "BP" Osborne said...

The Worzells? Any time big fella. As long as it isn't November next year otherwise you will have to share a room with the cats.
I was tempted to say the Dallas Boys but thought better of it. Speaking of Lyme Regis I bought a toastie machine the other day and had cheese toasties. Oh how it brought back the memories. All we needed was a game of New Market going and your sister freaking out.

5:33 PM

Blogger Jamie "BP" Osborne said...

Second thoughts its that Emmerdale band whose name escapes me...the Traveling Buffalos or something.

5:44 PM

Blogger Rob said...

Well, I'm assuming they're Darkness lyrics, given the baldness reference. And, although I have come to despise them and all of their works, some of those are quite funny. *hangs head*

Ro - thanks for taking the time to comment below. May our blogs burgeon together beneath the nourishing rays of the inspiring sun. Once winter's over, obviously...

Bro, I'm impressed at the invention of the replies on that Gills ebay link. I'm concerned that Jepson and Scally seem to be talking a lot about letting a load of players go, but not suggesting that they might replace them any time soon.

I now spend all day in an office full of Brighton fans. The honeymoon period in the new job is wearing off...

7:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rob is correct - they're all lyrics from the new Darkness album. And to think people call them a novelty band! I'm loving the succession of UK novelty acts that have been mentioned in Jim's guesses though - great memories of Lyme Regis, chicken in a basket, bumper boats, Out Run..........

Jim, why have you only got cats next November? Or have I missed something here?

1:58 PM

Blogger Jamie "BP" Osborne said...

Mum is coming for Thanksgiving so if you were to pay a visit it would either be sofa bed or den both of which is accessible to our cats at nights and could result in a nugget of shit on your pillow. Man was that fun.

4:36 PM


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